I’m working on a flash interface, which features five buttons. Each fades into a new image when you mouse over (by use of tweening etc.) However, when you roll your mouse off of them, there’s just a suden snap back to the first frame, which is a stark contrast from the smooth fade in, and looks unprofesional. I’m trying to get it to play a movie clip (instance name: c1) which fades out when played by attaching the following actionscript to the button:
setProperty(“ci”, _alpha, “0”);
on (release) {
getURL(“http://www.something.com”, “_top”);
on (rollOut) {
setProperty(“ci”, _alpha, “100”);
Upon testing, the clip just remains invisible (alpha zero), and nothing happens when I roll off of the button. If possible, can you just tell me how to use actionscript to fade something smoothly in and out one mouseover our mouse off, or forward me to a tutorial that does such?
Thank you.
~Lendl Meyer