Fading problem on xml gallery

Hey all,

Ive made myself an xml gallery already, i just wanted to put a fade on the thumbnails and main images after they are fully loaded, so they appear gradually.

thought it would be simple using the onLoadStart, onLoadProgress and onLoadComplete functions that are envoked by my movieClipLoader, but having soe problems with the images and thumbs disappearing a short time after fading.

a link to what ive got so far is here, have a look and wait a while and youll see the thumbs, mains disappearing


my code for the gallery is such (all contained in one frame, no buttons involved):

var showVar = new Number();
showVar = 0;

function unfadeImage(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {
    target_mc._alpha += 3;
    if (target_mc._alpha==100) {
        target_mc._visible = true;
        showVar = 1;

_global.thumbRefArray = new Array();
_global.thumbRefArray2 = new Array();
var loader = new MovieClipLoader();
var listener = new Object();
var currentThumb = new String();
var pctLoaded = new Number();
var index = new Number();

var my_fmt = new TextFormat(); 
my_fmt.align = "center";
my_fmt.font = "Arial";
my_fmt.size = 10;

index = 0;

listener.onLoadStart = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    target_mc._alpha = 0;
    target_mc.createTextField("loadTxt", 1, 3, 16, 70, 25);
    target_mc.loadTxt.text = "Loading.."
    index ++

listener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
    target_mc.loadTxt.text = "(" +  Math.round(bytesLoaded/1000) + "/" + Math.round(bytesTotal/1000) + ")";

listener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    var alpha_interval:Number = setInterval(unfadeImage, 5, target_mc);
    //captionTxt.text = "Loading complete"

//listener.onLoadProgress = function(target:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void {
//    pctLoaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded()/this.getBytesTotal() * 100);
//    this.bar_mc._xscale = pctLoaded;
//    this.captionTxt.text = pctloaded;

this.nxtBtn._visible = false;
this.prevBtn._visible = false;
this.pgCount.text = "Page 1/2";

myPhoto = new XML();
myPhoto.ignoreWhite = true;
myPhoto.onLoad = function(success) {
    //portfolioTag = this.firstChild;
    numimages = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;
    for (i = 0; i < numimages; i++) {
        _global.thumbRefArray.push("_level0.thumbLoader.thumbnail" + i);
        _global.thumbRefArray2.push("_level0.thumbLoader.thumbnail" + i + ".thumbnail_image");
    var maxPerPage:Number = 15;
    if (numimages <= 15) {
        maxPerPage = numimages;
    } else {
        nxtBtn._visible = true;
    var cols:Number = 4;
    var spacer:Number = 5;
    var thumbW:Number = 65;
    var thumbH:Number = 50;
    for (i=0; i < maxPerPage; i++) {
        this.picHolder = this.firstChild.childNodes*;
        this.thumbHolder = thumbLoader.createEmptyMovieClip("thumbnail"+i, i);
        //_global.thumbRefArray.push("_level0.thumbLoader.thumbnail" + i);
        this.thumbLoader = this.thumbHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("thumbnail_image", 0);
        currentThumb = "_level0.thumbLoader.thumbnail" + i + ".thumbnail_image";
        loader.loadClip(this.picHolder.attributes.thmb, "_level0.thumbLoader.thumbnail" + i + ".thumbnail_image");
        this.thumbHolder.title = this.picHolder.attributes.title;
        this.thumbHolder.main = this.picHolder.attributes.main;
        this.thumbHolder._x = Number(thumbW + spacer) * Number(i % cols);
        this.thumbHolder._y = 8;
        //this.thumbHolder._y = Number(thumbH + spacer) * int(i / 3);

        this.thumbHolder.onRelease = function() {
            loader.loadClip(this.main, mainLoader);
            captionTxt.text = this.title;

not all this code is relevant btw, i just copied from another gallery i made previously

if anyone can see where im going wrong it would be a great help. im sure its something simple i just cant see it!