can you help me? i have flash MX and i have 4 images that i need to faid into one another. How? i really need help… any feed back is greatly apreciated! is there any more info you would need to knoe to help me?.. just ask.
i want to know how to do this too.
Only way i know is to individually fade one out and fade in another.
Dont know how to merge the two…
Easiest way is to place the 4 images in separate layers and convert them to movie clips. Once converted you can adjust the alpha property of the movie clips over time (tweening) and have them fade to reveal the image underneath. You can also do this with actionscripting, but I’m not sure if you’d need to do that in this case.
Tweening works well if it is just a linear animation (I.e. one fades in, other fades out in a preset sequence). Actionscripting the fading would be best if you needed them to dynamically fade in response to an action from the user.
cool! i will try it :beam:
already haveing trouble! help. i open flashMX and go to ‘File’ > ‘New’ so now i have my initial layer down. i then go to ‘File’ > ‘Import’ and then select one of the pictures i wish to start of with in my faiding sequence. then in the ‘Timeline’ i go to ‘Insert Layer’ now on ‘layer 2’ (my first image still visible from ‘Layer 1’ but de-selected) i go to ‘File’ > ‘Import’ and select the second image i wish to use, as my second image in the sequence. with that on ‘layer 2’ i click back on ‘layer 1’ and the image is the same as on ‘layer 2’ help…
why don’t you just alpha tween them to appear and dissapear at the same time?
the problem is that you are looking at the top layer, while working in the bottom one. Try clicking on the eyes, next to the layer 2 name, and see if you can turn the layer visibility on and off…
As far as fading images in and out of eachother, you have to be working with layers…
Have the second picture on the bottom layer. create a new layer above it, and insert your first picture. without deselecting, add keyframes by pressing F5. Add keyframes in the bottom layer, if you havn’t already done so. then, fade out your top layer using a motion tween, and 0% alpha settings and Viola!
cheers! i’ll give it a try now. no doubt i’ll be back.
ok i win an award for the thickest person to ever own FlashMX. no matter how simple you make it sound i just cant get it.:q: i’ll post the images up that i created and need to metamorphizise into one another. so you can see what im trying out.
ok so the first attach is what the Av will look like first off…
this one is what i want the first image to change into…
i then want the second image to change into this image (attatch)…
and lastly i want this to be the final image that is presented…
its not much, but its something that i need to do.
Here is a .fla file that demonstrates how you would acomplish something like this:
<table width=“152” border=“1” cellspacing=“0” cellpadding=“0”>
<td><object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“,0,29,0” width=“167” height=“52”>
<param name=“movie” value=“”>
<param name=“quality” value=“high”>
<embed src=“” quality=“high” pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“167” height=“52”></embed></object>
OMG Majeye!..:love: spot on. i only wish i had your skills… i’m gunu go and cry now.