I imported comboBox assets from haloTheme (open external library etc) and edited the “ComboThemeColor1” and “ComboThemeColor” MCs from the acid green to an orange to match my site. Then I checked the linkage and made sure it was set to Export in First Frame. But when I view my movie - its still acid green… any suggestions on what I’m overlooking? below is directions I was following. The only think different i did was bring in elements from HaloTheme instead of SampleTheme (I like the look of halo better) - is there something about halotheme that makes it different?
Select File > Import > Open External Library, and select the SampleTheme.fla file.
This file is located in the application-level configuration folder. For the exact location on your operating system, see About themes.
In the theme’s Library panel, select Flash UI Components 2/Themes/MMDefault and drag the Assets folder of any components in your document to the library for your document.
For example, drag the RadioButton Assets folder to the ThemeApply.fla library.
If you dragged individual component Assets folders to the library, make sure the Assets symbol for each component is set to Export in First Frame.
For example, the Assets folder for the RadioButton component is called RadioButton Assets; it has a symbol called RadioButtonAssets, which contains all of the individual asset symbols. If you set Export in First Frame on the RadioButtonAssets symbol, all individual asset symbols will also export in the first frame.
Double-click any skin symbol you want to modify to open it in symbol-editing mode.
For example, open the States/RadioFalseDisabled symbol.
Modify the symbol or delete the graphics and create new graphics.
You may need to select View > Zoom In to increase the magnification. When you edit a skin, you must maintain the registration point in order for the skin to be displayed correctly. The upper-left corner of all edited symbols must be at (0,0).
For example, change the inner circle to a light gray.