I created this website just so i could get familiar with some flash concepts there is no content
Here’s the website http://clan-ds.0catch.com/index.html (beware there are pop up ads) Tell me what you think
I created this website just so i could get familiar with some flash concepts there is no content
Here’s the website http://clan-ds.0catch.com/index.html (beware there are pop up ads) Tell me what you think
holy crap those pop up’s suck
They do suck but i use it because the host offers 100 meg free space
SOrry in advance
Make the pics higher quality. And make a load bar.
aside from the quality of the images and a preloader and no content, what do you think of the transitions? I’m trying to to create the transitioning effect that is somewhat close to this website http://www.neostream.com/ (I am not even close to that level of flash). the file size for my entire website is just over 100kb is that too large? and would anyone attempt to gues on how big the flash website of neostream is?. Sorry one more question how does the person of neostream create the “fluid like” motion of his animations. Is he using a 3d program like maya combined with a complex layer of motion tweens I would apprecitate it if anyonw could shed some light on how the neostream website does it
try the gizba free hosting the banners there are a lot smaller and they offer 500 meg of drive space. =)
But as they say, pop-ups cannot be avoided in a free web hosting.
I’ll definetly be using them
first of all, your navigation might appear a bit unclear since there is no written part to it, some unexperienced users might get confused and might not find a way how to navigate. as others already said, the pop-ups are quite annoying. another thing that i noticed is, that you have no “real” design. it seems like you haven’t really plaed your website well enough. maybe it would also help to center the movie on the page and make a border around it (not a thinck one though since that doesn’t look professional). also, i think you should increase your fps since your movie isn’t smooth.and, as everyone else said, the quality of the images is poor.
good luck :bounce:
oh. i made a typing misstake. the word “plaed” was supposed to be planned.
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