FarCry PC version

I don’t understand why people call a game a disappointment just because the MP isn’t that great. MP FPSs online get old pretty quick. Shooting and getting shot, thats all you do. At least in a single player game the maps and enemies are constantly changing throughout the game. I could care less if a game has MP or not. If I want to play games with other people they come over and we play at my house or, god forbid, we go outside and play real games!! It’s nice to see sunlight once in a while instead of playing online video games with “friends” that you have never even met in person. Real sports and games (in person) are where its at, not this anti-social internet crap. Sorry, went off on a tangent there, oops.

Fiiiiiirst off, I’m a little late with a reply, but don’t go starting to talk about sports and playing actual games because I promise you I have more trophies than you do :wink: In my closet I have 15 trophies across with 3 rows, for a total of around 45. Thats not counting the ones I have sitting on my desk :wink: The fact I play games online or do web design doesn’t mean I can’t have a perfectly normal, active life. Stereotyping gamer’s as lazy and anti-social doesn’t really sum things up – and moreover, where did that all come from anyway?

That being said, my statement was that the game was a disappointment, not yours. If you don’t feel it was a disappointment, great, you enjoyed the product. In my opinion, the ONLY way a game achieves its money’s worth is through longivity, that often SP doesn’t give. If I spend $50 on a game, I want some content there. SP gives maybe 20 hours game time, which I finish in about 3 weeks, but what happens after that? It collects dust? Replay value is given by a great MP, which Farcry doesn’t have.