So, anyone got it?? :beam:
I just got it a few days ago, and it’s absolutely dreamy :love:
if anyone has it, lemme know, I wanna battle someone in it
So, anyone got it?? :beam:
I just got it a few days ago, and it’s absolutely dreamy :love:
if anyone has it, lemme know, I wanna battle someone in it
Aww man, I got it but I can’t play it
Yeah…it’s not that bad :sigh:
why not Voets?
dayum… :-/
Have you tried out the editor yet?
Ooh, is there an editor ? :beam:
you didn’t know??
it’s the CryEngine Sandbox editor!
go here:
check the “Crytech Engine” video, at the end there’s a segment on the editor, it comes with the game.
the manual for the editor and faq list wasn’t included (??) but I got them from the farcryHQ site, just ask if you need 'em
Cool, found it. Definitely gonna have a play with that. Can you send me the manual please ?
sure thing
IMO, FarCry is overall a big disappointment. Single player is an amazing experience, but as soon as you get passed that, theres not much depth to the game (MP is HORRIBLE). I’ve messed around with Sandbox, if you run a few searches you should be able to come up with some of my threads, I made one about my rope bridge experiments, was pretty fun. Sandbox is definitely the best thing about that game.
I tried a tut on the chainbridge you suggested Colin, it’s hella fun
I amde a bridge of 16 sections (14 being rigids), I can’t get enough of shooting off chains and watching the physics
ok, off to try something new
Say what now?
Me want too
sure, here’s the tut:
and here’s my attempt, my bridge is just reeeally dangling…
to play custom maps, unzip the (IE) into your levels dir. Open farcry and hit the ^ key (above the tab key), and type:
/map chainbridge
that’s it
Okay thanks man :thumb:
I had to open it in Sandbox though, coz it didn’t work the way you suggested in the main version of FC
The physics are amazing indeed, in one of the first levels there are some barrels next to stairs, I used to quicksave and then push them all off and shoot them while rolling and such, just to see them roll It was awesome, untill this one guy must’ve descended from a mountain or something and shot me in the back. That scared the hell outta me so I quit
(quit rolling the barrels that is).
odd, it should work in FC too :huh:
did for me
are you sure you used the “” and not the “/” ?
Hey, but wait a minute!
:beam: !
Thanks, I’ll try again
yeah, you have to bring down the console (like in any other FPS really :P)
I knew that, I meant the “/” thing
[size=1]Look closely :elderly:[/size]
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