
Wow, if havnt had a look at this game it bloody amazing the graphics are awsome and the AI are actually smart its been so long since Ive had a challange like this game. http://www.farcry-thegame.com/ It blows Cod, Halo and the Medal of Honor series right out of the water. It uses a crytech engine, it really amazing what they did with this game. The only game that isnt a dissapointment to come out of ubi soft.

Best game to date hands down…

go diablo 2!!!

i like it better than halo by far

but i agree multiplayer is no fun exept maybe on lan, u can have 50 players and no laggg

Well, do you guys encourage the mod community? If you are actually SKILLED at the sandbox, you could make a campaign all by yourself (or with a group of modelers, texturers, sound effect’ers, etc.) , get popular, and improve the single player replay value of farcry.

Look what happened to half-life. The best mods out there! So if people start modding doom 'n farcry, just IMAGINE what we could do!
(I haven’t looked much but…is there a coop mod for farcry? I never tried multiplayer so I just take for granted that its netcode DOES suck, according to you guy’s word…)

I actually checked out the sandbox…It’s good, as long as you do maps in a “farcry way”. You can’t do Tribes-like maps with cannyons and rocky overpasses. It’s as “unidimensionnal” as Duke Nukem 3, meaning you only have a floor (even if it’s a beautiful, long-sight distance terrain with all the jungle tids and bits) and a ceiling (the ceiling being the sky)…

Therefore, you can’t do much with the farcry engine, after all…
Stick to serious sam or quake look-alikes such as UT and doom3…

Farcry single player is awesome (getting headshots with the m16 never becomes old :D)

the multiplayer aspect is poor though.

who the hell drug this back up?

LOL :smiley: ME

Who ever made the box for Farcry should be shot.

It had been sitting in the video shop for months and months, I picked it up a few times, looked at the box art and thought it was a kinda cartoony kids game. So never wanted to play it.

But I saw a thread somewhere and someone said Farcry was right up there with the best. They were right.

5 days of playing the dam thing on the Hardest setting and I still havent finished it… It’s a monster of a game and dam hard. (I think I am on the last stage now).

Hardest setting and I still havent finished it…

Well I finished it, I had to use Quicksave on the last 2 sections of the last stage, I think I was half sick of playing it, and it was just so hard it was stupid… 20-50 tries just to get past one section, I had had enough.

But it is the biggest and best game I have played to date. And I will never EVER play it again !

And I also played DOOM3 this week, I made it past the first auto save bit and thats it… I dont even feel like playing it again… Says a lot about it I think…


lol Me

there is no ? about it

I like it. But… meh. I’d rather go play something… that… umm. There really isnt very much out right now huh…

I like farcry a lot - had I not shrugged my shoulders and tried the demo, I would’ve never discovered the game, late as I did.

The game’s performance however (both online and off) is kind of disappointing, but then again it’s a new engine and at least they did a decent job of it. I"m still looking foreward to seeing the game after a couple of patches - it’s a great game and if they could make it perform as efficiently as half-life was or doom 3 more or less is for what it’s trying to do (relatively speaking I mean, ie for today’s decent hardware), then the game could really take off.

I do however want to see how the engine handles other terrain types. Tropical is all fine and nice but imagine doing missions under a snowstorm or in a desert - or maybe just a typical urban environment? I know those kinds of terrain wouldn’t fit the game, but how about multiplayer or engine demo levels?

Lets not compare Far Cry to Doom 3…

Doom 3 is the worst game I have played since Chrome… You couldn’t pay me to sit there and play that.

I don’t think the Far Cry engine has any problems with it. There are plenty of parts where you are in buildings and rooms, it was better than doom and much faster.
There are also plenty of times where you are out side runing around the outside of large buildings, so I doubt a urban setting would be to hard.

As for the snow, while that wasn’t there… Near the end you are around a volcano. All rocks and flowing lava… You can see the heat comming off the lava… So I dont think snow would be a problem.

Although I will admit, I didn’t really use the sandbox, and I haven’t made levels for games before. But given what I have already seen the engine do, I dont see it having problems.


slays vulcan

Hahah just kidding dude. The game isn’t the best, but I love it when it scares the crap out of me.