I saw the post don’t the simpsons rule the other day so whats every1’s fave episode
mines the halloween special where homer goes 3d and goes to the erotic cake shop
I saw the post don’t the simpsons rule the other day so whats every1’s fave episode
mines the halloween special where homer goes 3d and goes to the erotic cake shop
Mine is when bart and lisa goes to Duff Gardens and Lisa drinks mucky water and goes weird and thinks she’s the lizard queen :crazy:
ooh hard to tell… one of my favourites is when they show ‘lisa’s day’, ‘bart’s day’ and ‘homer’s day’… when lisa couldnt get to school on time with her grammar-correcting robot, and when homer gets his thumb cut… =)
=) I LOVE 'EM ALL! =)
My favorite of ALL TIME is the one where Homer get’s to smoke Medical Pot!! I still laugh as hard EVERYTIME I see that episode
“remember that time you dropped your key’s and we thought the phone was rining, hahahaha, that was crazy man”
Oh man… and when homer is shaving…the rainbows… i have to laugh just thinking about it!
totally bart
I can see my self i him
Don’t know… I’d have to say… The one halloween episode where they get the haunted house and Homer is in the tree house when bart and lisa try and scare each other…
Then again… They are all good…
lmao. the pot smoking one for sure.
the one whith the grammar robot too.
oh, and “English instructions… ruined, must use french side… LA GRILLE!? WHAT THE HELL IS LA GRILLE?!”
and when that assassin attempts to kill homer. that one was great too. with sideshow bob and his leg shock collar thing.
“And it’s taped to your LEG HAIR, so don’t try and take it off, cause it will hurt!”
bob tries to grab remote
bart grabs it first
“I thought I could grab it while you were distracted.”
bart shocks bob
while being shocked “I … waaa.a…a…a.as wro…ooong.”
Ohh yeah Ahmed… the “day” episodes are really cool!
I like the one with that little worm thingy that Homer finds. And the worm is close to extinction and it keeps getting hurt.
*Originally posted by Mike *
**I like the one with that little worm thingy that Homer finds. And the worm is close to extinction and it keeps getting hurt. **
LOL that one was hilarious… i felt bad for thr worm
my favorite one is when homer went to clown college. that episode was crazy…lol
the one when homer goes to become a rock star and mick jagger and elvis costello are there that is pretty awesome and he ends up a roadie
I love all of them. I have the first and second season on DVD. Picking a fave is extreamly hard. I would have to say the episode where bart goes to big borthers to get a new dad and homer goes to get a new son out of revenge.
homer is at the big brother agancy
Worker: And what is your reason for wanting to adopt a little brother?
Homer’s Mind: Don’t say revenge, Don’t say revenge!
Homer Outloud: Revenge
Homer’s Mind: Thats it I’m out of here.
Foot stomping and a door shuts
the one where homer sets up the internet, and he doesnt even have a computer. and then bill gates comes and buys him out
and the comic book guy wanted Compuglobalhypermeganet to upgrade his internet connection, and homer didnt know what he was talking about hahaaaaaaaaaaa
anonymous: how may i heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp youuuuu
homer: why do you talk like that?
anonymous: i had a strooooooooooooooooooooke
hahahahahahahahahahah that guy is great. especially…suHDvns
Season’s 2 through 8 are all gold to me.
Don’t get me wrong, season one has a lot of classic episodes that are awesome, but the show was really in it’s prime from seasons 2 through 8. It’s hard for me to watch some of the crap they try to pass off as shows now…the series has just lost its freshness.
Sometimes I wish the Simpsons would have been like Seinfeld (my other favorite show) and went out in their prime, leaving their audiences begging for more. But then again, another part of me would really hate to see the series end…
lmao nice one sureshot !!! preace the faith !!
i also love that one and the episode when homer decides to become obese just so he can work at home !! lmao !!
“I’m a big fat moo cow !!”
gold i tell you gold !!!
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