Ok, I need a favour from all your guys which is going to sound quite strange.
Story: Ok, so at school we have to take a citizenship course which includes coursework, anyway for my group we’re piecing together a (supposedly educational but it’s actually going to be a comedy) film and supplementary website.
Favour: I need all you guys with a webcam to film yourself reacting to how you would if you just saw hundreds of bevears (the small furry cute animal) being shot. Now it would be best if I got ATLEAST 10 people to do it but I doubt if i will get three (Shouting at camera would be best reaction with sound)
Thanks guys, I’ll be sure to mention your name and make you famous, also post if you want yourself taken out of the public online version (both youtube and our own site) if you don’t want to be in the public version only me, two friends our teacher and the examiner will see it.