Two great movies that you don’t hear about much. Another fav of mine is Chasing Amy, but it’s been mentioned…
Leon the Professional - sometimes known as “The Professional,” sometimes “Leon.” One of the first appearances by Natalie Portman when she was 12 or something, she’s awesome. Great story - action, humor, heart, the whole thing.
Stealing Beauty - see this one just for Liv Tyler’s hot hotness, see it again with your girlfriend because it’s a beautiful and tasteful film about young love, virginity, and the loss thereof!
Anyone seen Waking Life yet? It’s on my shortlist.
oh man… the Professional is one of my all time favorites. He’s an amazing actor. There are a couple people that I will see anything they are in. He is one, and the French actor (I can’t think of his name for the life of me) the hunchback from “Name of the Rose”.
Well, Leon is French movie, believe it or not… Directed by Luc Besson, produced by Patrice Ledoux, lit by thierry Arbrogast… This actor is Jean Reno, and he has nothing to do with Ron Perlman, the hunchback from the Name of the Rose, except that he also plays in french movies (‘City of Lost Children’ by Caro and Jeunet, Alien Resurrection by Jeunet).
By the way, I’ve just seen Attack of the Clone. The romance almost killed me, but the action is amazing, truely amazing. I really enjoyed it a lot (at least a lot more than The Phantom Menace). And I know what you mean when you say that Yoda is DA MAN !!!
Movies I love
The Goodfellas
Blade Runner
American Beauty
The life of Brian
Escuela de rateros (1956)
Tizoc (Amor indio) (1956)
Pablo y Carolina (1955)
El inocente (1955)
La tercera palabra (1955)
Escuela de música (1955)
Los Gavilanes (1954)
Pueblo, canto y esperanza (1954)
La vida no vale nada (1954)
Escuela de vagabundos (1954)
El mil amores (1954)
Cuidado con el amor (1954)
Gitana tenías que ser (1953)
Reportaje (1953)
Sí… mi vida (1952)
Había una vez un marido (1952)
Pepe El Toro (1952)
Ansiedad (1952)
Dos tipos de cuidado (1952)
Los hijos de María Morales (1952)
Por ellas aunque mal paguen (1952)
Ahora soy rico (1952)
Un rincón cerca del cielo (1952)
El enamorado (Vuelve Martín Corona) (1951)
Ahí viene Martín Corona (1951)
¿Qué te ha dado esa mujer? (1951)
ATM (A toda máquina) (1951)
Necesito dinero (1951)
Las mujeres de mi general (1950)
El gavilán pollero (1950)
Islas Marías (1950)
También de dolor se canta (1950)
Sobre las olas (1950)
No desearás la mujer de tu hijo (1949)
La oveja negra (1949)
La mujer que yo perdí (1949)
El seminarista (1949)
Dicen que soy mujeriego (1948)
Ustedes los ricos (1948)
Angelitos negros (1948)
Los tres huastecos (1948)
Cartas marcadas (1947)
Nosotros los pobres (1947)
Soy charro de Rancho Grande (1947)
La barca de oro (1947)
Vuelven los García (1946)
Los tres García (1946)
Si me han de matar mañana (1946)
Cuando lloran los valientes (1945)
Escándalo de estrellas (Sopa de estrellas) (1944)
Mexicanos al grito de guerra (Historia del Himno Nacional) (1943)
Viva mi desgracia (1943)
El Ametralladora (1943)
Cuando habla el corazón (1943)
Arriba las mujeres (1943)
La razón de la culpa (1942)
Jesusita en Chihuahua (1942)
La feria de las flores (1942)
Puedes irte de mí (1940)
El organillero (1939)
En un burro tres baturros (1942)
1- LoTR : Fellowship of the Ring;
2- Star Wars: Empire strikes back;
3- 2001: space oddisey;
4- Conan the barbarian;
5- LoTR : the two towers;
6- Spiderman;
7- Indyana Jones and the temple of doom;
8- Star Wars: A new hope;
9- Cidade de Deus (God´s city);
10- Matrix.