Favourite movie

I like good movies, you like good movies… got one you think is a good one? Post it.

Personaly for me there are sooooo many, but I just saw a good one tonight so I figured I’d pass it on so everyone could see a good movie.

See “The Others” with Nichole Kiddman. Very nicely done. Great cinematography, great writing, great directing, great acting, and a fantastic plot.

(now now… no talking about this one… let it be a surprise for new viewers)

Hey, Upu, I just rented that Wednesday. Pretty good. Makes ya think…

I’ve been catching up on some “classics” lately that everyone and their brother has seen except for me:

Run Lola Run
Excellent! A refreshing style separated from American films that delivers big. I could easily see this two more times.

Chasing Amy
Not a huge Kevin Smith fan but probably my favorite in the series (with Dogma coming in a close second). If only Kevin Smith would write dialogue that was more believable…

Better than expected. Almost panel-for-panel true to the book. 'Nuff said!

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the clones
Saw it. Not sure what to think to be honest. Entertaining? Yes. Hollow story and acting? Yes. See it again? Yes. Why? Not sure.


“American Beauty”

For being a film a can watch over and over again and never tire of.

“Fight Club”

For making me realise something new every time I see it.

“Gosford Park”

For wonderful scripting, hilarious little snide asides esp. from Maggie Smith, and of course the presence of Clive Owen.


For making me cry.

“Star Wars”

For being unbelieveably brilliant. Although the last two have left a bit to be desired, the original trilogy is faultless. Except maybe Lukes’ haircut.

I’m into the whole German Indy films at the moment…thanks to my g/f, so I would have to say
“Run Lola Run” and “The Princess and the Warrior” were pretty good.

“American History X” (for some reason I really like stories that have a race related plot) along with “Remember the Titans” (not bad for a disney movie)

In no particular order:

Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Raise the Red Lantern
Mulholland Drive
Full Metal Jacket
The Breakfast Club
The Goonies
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Midnight Express, tis a true story too :slight_smile:

Starwars… because… It is starwars, it is just great. Episode 2? not too sure, they’re getting better, so by the time they get to episode 9 it should be good.

Gone in 60 seconds… cos it has nice cars :smiley:

Lord of the rings… nearly as good as the book so far, although it kinda ruined my mental image of it all!

Blade (and most other vampire flicks) - because vampire films are good :smiley:

Die hard - all of 'em… cos they are good, hard, action :smiley:

Mission impossible

James bond… no particular favourite, just watch them when they’re on :smiley:

Saving Private Ryan
One of the best, realistic movies I have seen.

Men In Black
A combination of action and humor.

This movie is really cool and has a killer storyline.

Realistic portrayal of what really goes on in the lives of many of today’s teens.

Jurassic Park III
Too short, but it was a good sequel to JP I and JP II.



  1. Princess Bride
  2. Monty Python/Holy Grail
  3. The Ovens of Auschwitz
  4. Killing Fields
  5. Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
  6. John Wayne- True Grit


Life of Brian is so much better than Holy Grail…

pom 0]

In the process of watching spiderman now, and so far its really good. A lot better than I expected. Oh, did any of you see the original movie of spiderman!? That was horrible!

Uhmmm…yeah so I finished the movie, and all I have to say is “Wow!” That was a good movie. The casting was amazing, best I’ve seen in a loooong time. The script wasn’t as corny as most comic book movies turn out and the action was pretty slammin’ too…

how the hell did you manage to post in the middle of the movie? :slight_smile: I’m not sure if I want to know…

I agree. It’s one movie of very few that have received a 10 in my book. Adheirance to the origional is something that I prize highly in a film. It was 100% on the mark.

I like good movies, you like good movies ** Upuat**

Not always. About every other week my friends and I get together to watch crappy movies and make fun of them. We used to watch bad Sci-Fi, but we ran out, so now we’re going hardcore Godzilla vs. ______. Sometimes it’s just more entertaining to watch Godzilla’s dullwitted friend to run head first in to the Monster Of Hardware Appliances’ buzz saw in the middle of his chest (Godzilla vs. Gigan) than it is to watch something, y’know, worthwhile.

But when I’m watching a good movie all my favourites seem to involve either Kevin Spacey or Edward Norton. My top 4 movies are:

  1. American Beauty (Kevin Spacey)
  2. Fight Club (Edward Norton) (The book’s even better. Read it. Most unique narration EVER. It’s just like in the movie - every other line is a sort of “Interesting side note: By combining orange juice cartons and even soap you could blow up a city block. It’s amazing the things you can do with a orange carton.” kinda thing.)
  3. The Usual Suspects (Kevin Spacey, who for some reason won the award for “Best Supporting Actor” for that movie even though he was the bloody main character. Which, of course, makes about as much sense as Ethan Hawke being nominated for “Best Supporting Actor” for “Training Day”. Stupid Hollywood.)
  4. American History X (Edward Norton)

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the clones
Saw it. Not sure what to think to be honest. Entertaining? Yes. Hollow story and acting? Yes. See it again? Yes. Why? Not sure. ** Time2Design**

You would see it again because you thought the special effects were cool and liked it when stuff blew up. You don’t know why you like it because you don’t want to admit to yourself that you liked it for such a shallow reason.

Not that I’m telling you what to think, of course…

Starwars… because… It is starwars, it is just great. Episode 2? not too sure, they’re getting better, so by the time they get to episode 9 it should be good. ** Pezdemon**

The (biggest) problem with Episode 2 is that two of the main characters - Anakin and Padme - were written out of obligation instead of inspiration. When Han Solo and Leia had their love interest they pretended to hate each other and tension was generated between the two of them. When Anakin and Padme fell in love it was more like “Well, we have to create Luke and Leia, so let’s get to it, I guess.” and then they said crap that I’ve best heard described as sounding like the letters little girls send to N*SYNC.

Personally, I would have had Anakin be completely unsensitive to Padme’s needs and have Padme constantly trying to make everything romantic. Make Anakin whine about how a lot of the crap that she wants from him is illogical, that this “romance” she’s wants is just for him to boost her low self-esteem. Have her whine about relatively insignificant problems and have him explain to her that her problems are stupid and that she should shut up. Then you have tension - the two are in love, or at least they think they are, but they can’t communicate at all - they’re two completely different people. They’d still have to have them confess their love the same way they did, but they’d have to do that one as a sort of, “despite all your faults I love you anyway” thing instead of just a “I love you” thing. That’s how I would have done it, anyway.

That and the fact that about half of the characters were only in it to sell action figures.

But Yoda was cool. At first I thought Mace Windu was cool, but then Yoda proved me wrong. He’s much cooler.

Adheirance to the origional is something that I prize highly in a film. ** Upuat**

Couldn’t disagree more on this one, to be honest. I’ve already read Lord Of The Rings. (And, frankly, it wasn’t half as good as they say.) I don’t need to read it again. I was glad they changed so much in that movie. (If anybody tells you that it was true to the book, that just means that they’ve never read the book.) It made it more interesting to watch. (I’ll get lynched for this but, dammit, it was BETTER than the book.) Plus they didn’t have Aragon’s illogicality of: “Greetings. I am big and macho and dark like. Now let’s sing show tunes.”.

On the other hand, The Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’s movie is litterally quoted word for word from the book - the only thing they took out was the stuff about Zaphod’s brain. That’s all well in good, but that means that anybody who’s read the book won’t laugh half as much as someone who hasn’t. It’s like watching a repeat of The Simpsons. It’s just not the same as watching a new episode.

Personally, I really just don’t see the point in seeing (or making) any adaptations that you’ve already read. You’ve already read the bloody book! If you watch the movie all you’ll do is come home and complain about how they said “The” slightly differently than they do in the book in scene 42.

You seem to have a thing for Kevin Spacey and Ed Norton, and I couldn’t agree with you more. Those are on my top 4 favorite movies. The ones I listed before were movies that I had recently seen, but all time I would have to say that these 4 fill the spots. Kevin Spacey is an amazing actor, and in American Beauty and The Usual Suspects, he showed what he could do. Ed Norton is unbelieveable.

About Starwars and the whole “love” thing…Lucas already had these stories written up. He already had 1-9 down on paper. So the whole Anakin/Padme thing wasn’t really obligitory, but they did make it cornier than they had to…

Lord of the Rings…You’re right about it not being true to the book…and if it was, that would be one boring f**king movie! He waited like 30 years before he left in the book…imagine the movie for that!!!

I went yesterday and saw Spiderman, and I think the movie was great. I kinda had extremely high expectations for the movie, and came out kinda disappointed though :frowning: In hindsight, I can say that Spiderman was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. I guess I never really got into comic books :frowning:

The movie was original though! It did not have some hackneyed plot with a “hero saves the world” type ending like Batman!


The movie was original though! It did not have some hackneyed plot with a “hero saves the world” type ending like Batman! ** Kirupa**

Agreed. That’s why my favourite super heroes are Hulk and Spiderman.

Hulk, especially in the new ones, is his own nemesis. They restarted the comic a while ago and since then I don’t think he’s fought a single super villain. The comic’s always revolved around Bruce Banner and features him typically watching the news and thinking, “Oh God, did I do that?”. If that movie’s anything less than the best super hero movie ever they’ll have not done Hulk justice.

Spiderman’s more heroic, but at least everybody hates him and his alter-ego’s a loser. It always adds intrigue when the people he’s trying to save turn against him.

Couldn’t disagree more on this one, to be honest. I’ve already read Lord Of The Rings. (And, frankly, it wasn’t half as good as they say.) I don’t need to read it again. I was glad they changed so much in that movie. (If anybody tells you that it was true to the book, that just means that they’ve never read the book.) It made it more interesting to watch. (I’ll get lynched for this but, dammit, it was BETTER than the book.) Plus they didn’t have Aragon’s illogicality of: “Greetings. I am big and macho and dark like. Now let’s sing show tunes.”.

You’re missunderstanding me. Adhierance does not mean exact duplication.
I just finished reading lord of the rings as I was going into the theatre. It wasn’t the same as the first book, but it had every aspect which was important. I personaly would have put in the flight across the barrows, along with the encounter with the world spirit, but other than that, it left little out.
The important thing is not adhirance exactly to the story itself, but adhirance to the character and important concepts of the story. Spiderman does this, so did the first Batman. An adaptation where by they improve an origional, already good story, is even more highly sought after by me.

The important thing is that Hollywood didn’t cheese the movie up to make an extra buck. (beyond the Macy Gray scene, and the Dr Pepper commercial. They were subtle… I hardly minded them at all.)

Oh. Well, then, in that case, I agree completely.


Well said, Phil.