Few alternative ways to park your car


or if you get tired of washing it all the time:

read more about it here:



Call me old fashion, but I still prefer parking on the driveway.

THat would be cool to be sitting in that car that is in the pool. Eating a sandwich or something with the radio real loud.

id prefer to hang off the power line.

that is soooo 2003

This person decided on the roof instead.

youā€™d think there would be a guard rail or something on top of that parking garageā€¦

I tried parking mine upside-down in Sequoia National Park, just wanted to see the trees from a different perspective.
And, while I was in Colorado Springs I saw a truck park on the wires just like that car apparently itā€™s pretty popular, Iā€™ll have to dig up that picture too.

Hahah yea everyone is cracking up about that ā€œcar poolā€ the other forums I post on. Made the front page of the newspaper here! Buwhahahh! Pwn3d!!!11~

Or if you want to sell a car, make it unique and eye catching!

hmā€¦ notice the guys face thatā€™s talking to the fire dept. in the pool shot? I love those expressions of pure innocence :thumb:


hey come on now I think weā€™re missing the real point hereā€¦

how about a round of applause for the guy who managed to reverse his car onto a power line in mid air, thatā€™s impressive :thumb:

I hope that lady never gets her licenceā€¦ Overcorected into someones yardā€¦ Jesus.

haha Werd, nice ad :smiley:

Sounds pretty GTA to me. :wink:

hahahaha roflmao at the addā€¦ ā€œonly tipped onceā€ hahahah :slight_smile: