Few questions

Ok i have a few questions to ask.

  1. Is there a way to make it so that when someone clicks a button that is goes to a certian frame and plays from there?
  2. How do i make a scroll bar in a box?

If you don’t get what i am asking please just post and i will try to explain better

  1. Select your button and open the Actions Panel (F9), copy & paste this:[AS]on (press) {
    }[/AS]Pretty self-explanatory, just change frame#.

  2. You can use the Scrollbar Component (Components Panel).
    Create a Dynamic, Multiline text box and then click and drag the Scrollbar from the Components panel into the text box.

Thanks for the quick reply

No problem. :}

One problem with the dynamic text is that i can’t make a hyperlink. Or i can’t find a way. Any help is appretiated

Select the Render Text as HTML button, it looks like this < > in the Properties panel. Then just type in the URL beneath that.

Hate to keep bugging you but the frame thing doesn’t work. I makes it clickable but when i click it nothing happens. I have the frame number right. I put a key frame at the frame. Do i need one on every layer?

No, you don’t need one on every layer.

I don’t know why it wouldn’t be working… if you’d like, you can either post your file here, or you could email it to me so I can take a look at it (forum.wizard[at]gmail.com). Save it for Flash MX.

Also, is your button inside of a Movie Clip?

I will email or post it later, but does it have to be in a movie clip?

No, I was just asking if it was inside of a clip, you would have to change the ActionScript to:[AS]on (release) {

Oh i think i know what might be the problem. On the same frame but diffrent layer i have a stop action. Just so that is can pause and wait for the person to click it. Could that of affected it somehow?

Can someone help me please, i really need this done by friday

No, the stop action should not have affected it because you’re using gotoAndPlay which should just ignore the stop(); .

Hmm i am going to just give you the fla and see what you can do

Here is the fla it is in MX

You have a button within a button it looks like. :h:

Well, okay it doesn’t matter… I think I fixed it.

This is the script that I gave the button inside the other button:[AS]on (release) {
}[/AS]I used root since it was inside of another symbol and needed to go back to the main timeline.

Also, your script said gotoAndPlay(frame60) and I think this is my fault for assuming that you would’ve understood me & my previous posts. Sorry.

Well, let me know if this is what you needed. :wink:

Lol no prob live and learn. Thanks for fixing it

i found your problem, its not

on (press) {


on (press) {

you just need to put the frame #, not frame#

Any time. :}