File reference not downloading .pdf file

Hey everyone I was wondering if any one knew how to download a pdf file using the file reference in flash. The code below works with an image such as .jpg, .png but does not work when trying to download a pdf.

import mx.utils.Delegate;
function downloadResume ():Void
	var myRes = "http://privateDomain/beta/downloads/myResume.pdf";
	var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference ();
	var listener:Object = new Object (); (myRes,'myResume.pdf');

Again if I make the pdf file format into an image format it works. But I was hoping someone could help. Thanks

does the web browser open it?

or does nothing happen?

[QUOTE=randomagain;2354292]does the web browser open it?

or does nothing happen?[/QUOTE]

The web browser opens it fine, but when you click download it does not save. But it does save other files like I mentioned before jpg’s png’s etc.