Actually its not the final version. I’m going to add all the roman numerals, and make them light up when the hands are directly over them, i’m think of making it so that the numbers will get brighter as the hands get closer, then darker as it gets further away. I’m going to have to play around with that. let me know wut you think of this. Gotta thank Pom and Supra for the help \r\r\r\r\rdont’ know if this size will be big enough to see. the small white box is actually the date. just in case you can’t tell.
Oups ! I hadn’t seen that one. Looks really good. One thing though : you should make so that the hour stick moves a little bit when minutes pass. More realistic. I let you find that out…\rpom 0]
yeah i was trying to figure out how to do that…i’ll work on it tomorrow after my Biology test…
That’s tricky… if you can’t figure it out, let me know and I’ll tell you the secret to it.
i got it. All i did was add +(min/2) so my code was like this::\r\rhour._rotation=(hours*30)+(min/2) \r\rand that seems to work…here it is.\r\rits down further, but its finished…for now…
ok heres my code, and heres the finished clock. its really finished this time. The second hand is sweeping as well as the minute and hour hand. i’m not sure why part of the code is working, but i supposed it doesn’t matter really…\r\ronClipEvent(enterFrame){\r myDate = new Date();\r hours = myDate.getHours();\r if(hours>12){hours-=12;ampm=“pm”;}\r else{if(hours==0){hours=12;}ampm=“am”;}\r min = myDate.getMinutes();\r sec = myDate.getSeconds();\r mil = myDate.getMilliseconds();\r seco._rotation = (sec6)+(mil/160);\r minu._rotation = (min6)+(sec/10);\r hour._rotation = (hours*30)+(min/2);\r}\r\rI’m not really clear as to why the mil has to be divided by 160 to make the sweep. but like i said, it doesn’t really matter too much. I understand wut needs to be done. Again, thanks to everyone who contributed.\r\r\r<embed src=“” height=225 width=225></embed>
sweet clock jubb,\r\rre: the seconds hand, you would divide by 166.66666… \r\rthe milliseconds represent 6 degrees of rotation (one second), right? so you take the current milliseconds and divide it by total possible milliseconds (1000) to get a fraction, then you times that fraction by the 6 degrees to get the milliseconds’ rotation.\r\ras explained above, that looks like (where m is milliseconds passed):
\r\r (m/1000) * 6
\rwhich can be written as:
\r\r m*(1000/6)
\rand if you evaluate 1000/6, you get 166.6666…
gotcha…thanks supra…
(m/1000) * 6\rwhich can be written as:\rm*(1000/6)
You mean m/(1000/6), of course…\r\rpom 0] , witnessing le crépuscule des idoles\r
c’est vrai, c’est vrai.\r\roops, thanks for picking that up…
Hey ! nice work
nice clock. it’s even got a really classy look to it.
The clock rocks. In fact, I made it a link on my home page I think many people will really like this! This would make a nice tutorial ehh?
Very good idea ! I suggest Jubba should do it. What do you think Jubba ?\r\rpom 0]
I can do a tutorial. If ya want i can do it this weekend…\r\rCan you let me know wut format you want everything in? and let me know what you need…