New Photos

Since it’s a nice day outside at the moment, I’ve been taking a few pics with my camera. :slight_smile:

This my house and street…

And my tattoo. :slight_smile:


bare midriff…


Very Brit house kit…

Nice indeed…


ahh I wanna live in such a cool green place! Nice tattoo! :slight_smile:

Now we know what her place looks like… we’re getting closer… :slight_smile:

nice tattoo! :love:

It is <i>such</i> and English place. :slight_smile:

I want to go out and take pictures of the whole of Medway now… It’s not all so green as this bit. :slight_smile:

The tat says ‘Angel’ in Japanese kanji, lieral translation ‘God’s messenger’. :beam:

is it just me or r belly buttons cool…


wots the tattoo mean kit?

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**The tat says ‘Angel’ in Japanese kanji, lieral translation ‘God’s messenger’. :beam: **

looks like you ahve a very nice place and a great area to live in :slight_smile:

so how come we have yet to see your face in good quality? We have seen your house, your surronding area and your belly button - but yet no face…

You are a very mysterious girl :slight_smile:

Nice hint Jubba :wink:

You have! I posted my horrendously embarrassing passport photo a few months ago!

yeah, it was pretty embarrasing… :slight_smile:

Are you on a mission to embarrass me? :stuck_out_tongue:

You know… I wasn’t before… :esmirk:

Tenshi is the first symbol, meaning “angel” I don’t know the second and my Kanji dictionary is at home… I speak Japanese, never said I could read it… =0) Nice place you got there!


PS… I was always worried that if I got a Japanese tatoo it would end up saying silly American, or something worse… hehe =)

where’s that **** search button!!

Jubba - post, I need your footer :wink:

Do you have that famous English-grass in the back yard too?

Oh yeah. :beam: I’ll get a picture of that tomorrow when it’s light again. :slight_smile:

You know… I wasn’t before…
Thanks for the reassurance, lava. :slight_smile:

I have to get some food before I pass out with hunger. Back in a while folks… :slight_smile:

yeah, from the pic it looks like you need to eat something…

haha… just kidding.

Well it’s true, so I can’t whinge. :slight_smile: I am a size 6… In the Uk that is. Dunno about your dress sizes, they’re all a bit screwed up over there. :slight_smile:

I’m trying to resolve this issue by eating as much chocolate as I can lay my hands on… :stuck_out_tongue:

Kit - have you ever thought about what your tattoo will look like if you ever want kids? Or are you not in the market for some youngin’s ?