... Find The Spam!... (Game)

Hey guys!

I made a fun little game for ya’ll to play! In the image attached I have hidden the word SPAM. I’m not going to tell you how many times its hidden! :bounce:

The first person to post how many there are and exactly where each one is in one reply will win. They all have to be in one reply, so if you post a few, then go back and find some more you have to post them all in a reply to win. Careful when you post because you could give some away to others!

Ok, heres the image… :beam:

Good luck! :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

The pic…



You have to say where each one is :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

I found 8…


i win

Be more careful counting, and look for those smudges of white.



Yup, you win :beam: Congrats xxviii

You are a keen spam spotter :wink:

  • Soul :goatee:

i definately have way too much free time on my hands
do i get a cookie or something?

lt blue sub nav,
user cp button,
in the browsing,
in the title of thread #4,
in the author of thread #6,
last post in thread #9


good to see you back, mdipi. hook up on live sometime, eh?

…oh. there’s a thread about your back-ness… I’ll say this again… there.

lol you put ‘spam’ as one of your locations Phil-apino :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

Yup, I know where #9 is…


everyone stopppppppppp i win… i win… no one can take this from me
its mine
dont make me pull out my secret weapon… ill do it

no no no no no stop phil
stop or ill be phorced to go cry in the corner…
this could be the phirst thing i ever won in my life… and what an honor it is!
I WIN! and thats phinal

WOOOHOOOO!!! i should get an award for bein obnoxious!! cuz i am! lol… thank you phil… ill share the salami with u

Ok everyone gets a cookie who tried, because you all deserve one :stuck_out_tongue:

28 gets a bigger one for winning. But Phil pullled out of the competition so I suppose he doesn’t want a cookie :beam:


  • Soul :goatee:

that doesnt look like salami… and it doesnt glow in the dark… oh well… close enough