Finding points on a circle

I have a rather mathematical sort of question

I need to position objects equally spaced, on the perimeter of a circle.
Question is: How can i find the points on the circle based on the number of objects i need to position, and how can i translate these points into another movieclip’s coordinates?

i thought to make a loop, and for each object (based on it’s index in the loop) create a line from the center of the circle with a degree of 360/loop length * object index, and find the point where this line crosses the circle’s perimeter.

I dont know though, how to actually implement my idea, i dont know the whole ‘finding points’ area etc, and I am not at all sure that my idea is the most light and effective solution.

This thing i’d like to do (i think) is quite a common task, if you want a circular menu, or whatever, but i havent found anything anywhere around that could shed some light…

please help
