FireFox 3, thoughts?

I’ve tried firefox safari and opera on the mac, and I gotta go with firefox. Some of the extensions are just to good.

Extensions are the only thing that keeps me from swapping to Opera 9.5 tbh. Bizarrely fast browser!

[QUOTE=sekasi;2346795]Extensions are the only thing that keeps me from swapping to Opera 9.5 tbh. Bizarrely fast browser![/QUOTE]

I have installed WebDeveloper and Firebug. Which other ones do you recommend?

^Firesizer… it lets you resizes the browser in 2 clicks.

If your on windows the IEtab is great. Wish there was a safari tab one also.

[quote=Gundark;2346465]I surprised at you Mac guys, I’d have figured you’d have taken Opera over Safari. I’ve never had anything but bad experiences with Safari. I guess it comes with the Mac (like Internet Explorer and Windows), but it just doesn’t have the features that Firefox or Opera has.

Opera works pretty well, but I really like having all the extension options that Firefox has.[/quote]

Like i said, until Opera can offer the amount of accessibility from my keyboard as firefox can, I will stick with what I know. Inside-out, that is.

Safari’s actually pretty nice just because it’s so simple. Firefox always feel really bloated when I compare it to Safari.

I suppose that’s a trade-off on having so many great extensions and plugins.

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In summary , quicker than ff2 , just as safari’s but have tons of plugins , recommended for users who also use non-english languages.

[QUOTE=Gundark;2346465]I surprised at you Mac guys, I’d have figured you’d have taken Opera over Safari. [/QUOTE]

When I was a PC user I always used Opera, tried to stay with it when I changed over on to my Mac but I gradually got taken over by Safari which is what I use for my every day browsing.

I’m not going to argue about how extensible Firefox is, I do have it and I love the WebDeveloper extension but I’m not “WebDeveloping” 24/7, there’s a time and a place for it.

i have tried firefox 3 . it works nicely and its really amazing.

I think Firefox 3 is very weird … it shows image outlines in Youtube, it doesn’t even render it properly … some site takes years to load, but with FF I didn’t face any problem …

I have 3 browsers installed, Safari, Opera and FF … and FF 3 has the worst performance in terms of page rendering and this is really weird coz FF was best before FF 3.

I just have to say I have at least 10 crashes a day…

Maybe we should of done this better to figure out what it crashes on. I haven’t crashed it yet and I have like 20 tabs always open.

Like is it for highly JS sites or what. I cannot get this thing to crash for the life of me.

I’ve only every been able to crash Firefox by doing weird stuff with Flash files. What are you guys doing to make you experience so many crashes?

Firefox 3 has been rock solid for me since RC1. Except when I installed the Flash Player 10 beta, but that’s of course another story…

^FF3 has anomalies in its keyboard events to javascript/flash/ probably silverlight also.

They are probably all related a single bug in ff3.

I love the new address bar a lot lately.

Yea its probably one of the greatest things they could of put in. I just type the title of the site I want and hit enter really saves time.

I think they should also implement those “URL fixer” plugins. I don’t know how many times I’ve typed in google,.com or google.con or .cok