FireFox 3, thoughts?

This is going to solve a lot of headaches for jamie at work if the people testing stuff I build upgrade to FF3

One thing I noticed that wasn’t there in RC or 2 is that if you singleclick the location text, it selects everything.

On RC and ff2 I had to doubleclick to make that happen. I like it.

I usually just Command-L (or ctrl-L) bypassing the mouse and automatically selecting the entire URL

double clicking always selected just the word you are clicking over

The zoom in thing is really really old, lol.

is it? before, all those buttons did were increase the text-size …

Oh schnap - i didn’t realize it zooms everything.

Okay I can’t get it to crash so I feel it was a decent release (minus the whole advanced editor thing).

what am I missing? I’ve reinstalled the flash player about 15 times and I’m still getting that annoying little puzzle piece for anything that requries the flash player. :hair:

^Install it from instead of the internal one… and restart your browser. Also flash should of never disappeared.

I did. :frowning: I downloaded it from Adobe’s site and ran it and am still not seeing it. Very frustrating.

Download the “remove all flash player versions” thing and run that first.

Grrrr, still not working. WTF? Am I that stupid or could it be an IT/firewall/work computer issue? Usually I need admin privileges to install any new software but I was able to install the Flash player and FF 3 no problem . . .

Yea… must be a security thing… odd I’ve never heard of flash being blocked by security things before. Does it work in IE/Safari/Opera?

don’t know, never used those things :stuck_out_tongue:

hang on a sec and let me check . . .

. . . no it seems it isn’t. Was working just fine before the FF3 install. :fight:

If it’s not working in any browser then the plugin is either corrupt or wasn’t installed properly. Call your tech guy and buy him a bagel ; )

unfortunately, they aren’t totally on the ball :sigh: so I’ll just have to live without for the moment. I’m sure they’ll upgrade everyone at some point.

thanks for the help.

Guys… I’ve been noticing weirdness in hit areas in flash on FF3 (fp10)

Youtube especially the play/pause button acts really bizarre for me.

Anyone else got this?

edit (btw sorry about absolutely spamming this thread…); I uninstalled FP10 and reverted to 9.0.124 and that took away the problem so it’s definitely something FF3/FP10 specific. Not sure if it’s mac only tho…

Started using FF3 yesterday, can’t say its going to make me switch over from Safari to be honest.

I’m trying to switch into safari, but there are too, too many workflow-inhibiting factors that come into play.

For example,
I’m lazy and use my keyboard for most navigation, so like, I’ll do a ctrl-F (command-f) to find a string that exists in the url i want to click, and then i press escape, and then enter and bingo, i’ve clicked the link. I’ve got it down to a fine science now, most of the time its quicker than using a mouse.

The escape-then-enter doesn’t work in safari.

I surprised at you Mac guys, I’d have figured you’d have taken Opera over Safari. I’ve never had anything but bad experiences with Safari. I guess it comes with the Mac (like Internet Explorer and Windows), but it just doesn’t have the features that Firefox or Opera has.

Opera works pretty well, but I really like having all the extension options that Firefox has.