I’ve noticed that when doing anything in fireworks/photoshop and importing it to flash - the quality of the image takes a huge leap back to the stone age…
Is there anything I can do to combat the loss of morale within the ranks of my pixels? (chuckles)
When ever I import something into Flash I always import the *.png file. I’ve tried other methods (like saving the layers as bitmaps and importing them) but the quality is still sub-par.
Hmm… well the programs treat colors differently, but I’ve never had a problem w/ image quality loss. If you’re just running the movie on the fly it always plays at 50% quality by default. Save out your .swf and set it to 100% quality and when you play it from there on out it will show at 100% quality.
also check your export settings for images (labelled as jpegs) if that is low then it will look crazy. What I normally do is leave my flash optimize around 95% and let FW do the major portion of optimizing.