First Ever Flash Animations?

This was the first final production of anything, which is what I said… I don’t have the first bouncing ball I made, or the first attempt at tweening. Do check out my animation though, it’s piss poor. I think that I had Flash 4.0 for a month when I completed that piece.

Yeah, I crack out when I remember what I did the first time I got Flash 3. I didn’t even know what it was, I didn’t know what keyframes are… They looked scary…

I remember I drew this poor dood who supposed to walk to a machine, press a button (in hope to get somethin) and instead falls into a hole that opens beneath him, then some other dood comes, presses another button and gets what he wanted…

The absurd thing about it is that I made it scene-by-scene…
Basicaly the same as frame-by-frame with a lot of copy-paste, but with scenes… Remember what I said that I was afraid of keyframes?

When I think of it now… It wasn’t funny… But I enjoy recalling it… hehehe…

When we come to the question of how I progressed… Beats me, not much I guess because I’m not “a master” but you can judge by yourself if you go2 my site… Oh, look for “****ation”.

ouch… that’s hilarious… I’m sure we’ve all had little skirts with disaster like that.

I also wanted to add to my defence above:
The only reason I think I did as well as I did was my prior animation experience with super8 cameras and other such things. Keyframes always made a lot of sense to me. I also had an old program on my 8088 called Disney animation studio, which had keyframes and onion skinning. So I had that backing me too. Director started to give me ideas about how imported media worked with each other including sound /w animation. 15 years of experience led up to that Christmass card.
In light of that, I’d say I did pretty crappy. :slight_smile:

If you want to talk about my first animation then that would have to be a series of 30 second super8 reel films. I made them with that oily clay (same stuff gumby was made of… anyone know gumby?), and legos when I was 8 or 9. It was really three parts of a battle scene in which the two clay figures dismantaled each other with toothpick swords.

wow Mr. Peabody, how this site has changed;

the dog was the highlight.

I am afraid to post my wayback machine as, well, mine sucked more than anyone elses…so there!


upuaut -
I was 10 years old when I did this animation and it was my first ever animation made using a computer program. I didn’t know English very well then either, so you should understand my difficulties…

:slight_smile: . I wasn’t laughing at you… I was laughing with you.

I know just what that’s like my friend.

Nice kickass site! Wow, first one hunh? Well, don’t ask to see mine, I definately won’t show it to you…Great 1st site.


It’s not my FIRST site… here’s the link to my first ever built site, note that the images are taken from a template…

Pretty poor huh? It’s not in Flash anyhow…

Oh and upu - I didn’t say you laughed at me, I just wanted to clerify myself because I think it’s wrong to compare me with you… I’m a lot younger you see…

That makes me feel a lot better. That site really sucks! The first one I saw rocks…Thanks for that ego boost-

BTW, your younger than Uppy and Im better looking than him. He is always getting picked on.


:lol: !!!

:slight_smile: … I wasn’t comparing I swear… I was mearly defending an earlier statement by someone else entirely that the peice I posted was not really my first piece… I was saying that it wasn’t my first piece, but it was the eariest example I had to show of my work.

I remember trying to get a square to shape tween into a circle and screwing it completely up. I would not think to judge first works in any way shape of form.

as for looks: I’m sure Phil, that’s why you’ve got that great picture of yourself up in all your posts :wink:

Say upu, why do I see your title as * function ShockWaveInducer();*?

well if ure all still talking abotut he first movie ya made then heres mine!…orver.html

haha i havent really improved!


thats a dead link brother

function ShockWaveInducer();

It’s joke based upon the concept of a “Flasher” inducing Shock, such as in the following, which at one time was part of my sig, but I fet it a little to controvercial to have on every page I posted at.

right the link i gave is now working…

little thing i missed the L off htmL

ah well


umm… I don’t get it… It’s a joke right?

Shock - multi usage in a single phrase which in itself is a parody of the subject Shock

ie Shock, SWF, “shock wave” is part of the file name extention of the program we use; shock is an effect of a Flasher, (which in itself is a double meaning), and the entire thing is encapsulated within a function creation method of Action script, Flash’s native language.

Is there a joke there? Perhaps if you have my sense of humor…:wink:

Oh! I get it!! :lol: