I got tired of writing tutorials in forums and started a blog the other day. The color scheme is close to my portfolio site, but it’s my first real “pure” css site.
See what you guys think. I don’t mind getting slammed, but please be constructive about it (ie: this sucks BECAUSE instead of this sucks.)
■■■■, I really like that. I think it looks great. :thumb:
I’d love to see you make an HTML version of your bio and portfolio pages, I think the transition to Flash is a tad bit jarring. You’re obviously well aware of recent trends in design, and good at staying up to date with them. Your Flash site was done a while ago, and it shows a bit - it isn’t as trendy and hip as this latest blog, which is totally up to date.
I find the font a little hard to read on the blog content. The contrast isn’t very high, which is an understandable design choice, but it’s a little hard on the eyes. I firebugged the letter spacing to normal, just to see how it looks, and I found it much easier to read. I think that could perhaps use some adjustment, it just doesn’t sit quite right at the moment.
How much of the blog frontend* did you do yourself?
Thanks for the kind words. I’m aware that the about/portfolio buttons are pretty redundant at the moment. I WILL eventually add a html version of the About part, but the portfolio will most likely stay as it is for a while… In all honesty, I really really don’t have time to redo that
Anyway, thanks!
Oh, and edit: You were totally right. I moved letter-spacing from 1px to 0.5px and it looks a lot more readable.
Yeah it’s a 100% custom design. I based the css extremely loosely on the first “3 column wordpress” layout I could find but basically just ended up saving a couple of wrappers. In retrospect it took me more time deleting things than it would have just making the framework from scratch, but what to do…
Thanks for the kind words. I’m aware that the about/portfolio buttons are pretty redundant at the moment. I WILL eventually add a html version of the About part, but the portfolio will most likely stay as it is for a while… In all honesty, I really really don’t have time to redo that
Anyway, thanks!
Oh, and edit: You were totally right. I moved letter-spacing from 1px to 0.5px and it looks a lot more readable.[/quote]
Hey, I really like this a lot. It’s clean, and hip. However, a few things…the sub text on the main menu should have more spacing inbetween, and I’m worried about the readability in general.
I’m not sure about brown text and how easy it is to read. You should also space out the main context text more as well. And the gradient headings (categories, etc) are really low contrast with the bg of the site, maybe that’s the intention. And there’s no footer as well…why do you need that W3C tag on the bottom? Finally, that search graphic is really not fitting into the site in general. Overall, I think its great.
I think it is very good. Two things really stand out though: the search button needs some reworking and the body text for the posts should be left aligned and not justified.
Personally I don’t think it looks worse. Considering the majority of what we read every day is left aligned I think it looks fine. The kerning problem from it being justified was a whole lot worse readability-wise and aesthetically-wise than it being left-aligned. Just my . Besides that, I think your site looks great. :thumb2:
So, I would say that there’s too much wasted space. The logo is very big and so is the menu. Also, why 2 columns on the right? The categories is the most important column bar so put that at the top with the right most bar below.
Big logo = Cool
I am guessing the reason he has 2 columns on the right is because he may add stuff to them in the future, and also if he was only to have one column it would make the text really long and kinda hard to read.
Bad choice of wording sorry… kinda meant “pure” as in, css only. Previously I’ve been dabbing about with deprecated stuff like frames or tables this is my first all css site.
It WOULD be strict too however if it wasn’t for the target deprecation… not really feeling loading a 100kb file or calling window.open just to be able to open external links
[QUOTE=sekasi;2339467]It WOULD be strict too however if it wasn’t for the target deprecation… not really feeling loading a 100kb file or calling window.open just to be able to open external links :/[/QUOTE]
100kb? you can get a 16kb one from jquery and if you minify it yourself you can get it even smaller than that. I posted on your topic in the client side thread, i also noticed that you had one inline style in your markup in your footer, that you should nix
Oh wow can you really? That’s actually great news, thank you for that tip. Guess I’ll go find it and make it to a strict doctype then : )
Yeah that inline came from pure lazyness. There’s one or two more like that… did you comment on it because it’s poor “project” planning or is it bad css in any way? Validation or compatibility wise that is.
edit: It’s now XHTML strict, thanks for the “packed” jQuery tip Simplistik…
well, while the inline styling is technically correct and it does validate, it’s not semantically correct. so really it’s just an issue of cleanliness. you always want to separate your markup from your styles, there no reason to have to go into an html document to change a style, when you should always be going into your stylesheet to change a style. it’s sorta like how in development you want to separate your logic from your ui.
Not going to argue with that. Was just out of lazyness I guess. I’ll move it out of there.
While you seem to be active and awake, where did you find that 16kb one? The smallest I could find was 34kb on google code (the “packed” one). The links from jquery says 16, but can’t find one that’s actually that small. Thanks again guy, really appreciate your comments.