welp ive been busy with school life and everythign else and finally put together something im ready to call my design site… not happy with alot of things so far… but i do liek it alot… have issues with preloading the portfolio left side… takes to long… and u dont see the loader… and the intro imaging isnt where i want it yet… but ive gone live with it so i thought heck lets see whats the odl kirupa forum thinks… last complete site i posted on here was my school portfolio site… and hockey site… ive done one more since then but was more of a economic site… cheap
but its in there and u can check it out from my site… anyways…
i got a lot of little blinkies going on but i like em so they stay ;)…also have some alignment issues to work out… i try to design differently then what is the norm… but explore this have fun click around… let me know…
I remember you, it’s been awhile since you posted on the forum, welcome back. =)
As for your site, I can see that you’re trying to break out of the mold of the norm and create something different. I like the concept, but there are a few things I could point out that needs attention.
The font you’re using for yout content text is a type of serif font so it doesn’t go too well with your “techy” style layout. Since you’re using dynamic text, I would sugges using a san serif font like arial and that would be more suitable for your layout.
Your other text are a bit blurry as well so try to fix those.
Also it would be nice if you labled your music player and your navigation parts so viewers will know exactly where they are once the layout loads.
Work on your transitions as well, you have an interesting layout, but your transitions are a bit boring. Play around with some masking effects and use that for transitions, that would help.
Overall it’s a good start, good luck with the rest of it. =)
i really like the concept … only thing …
the font u used should go … use a nice clean crisp pixelfont
and you definatively should apply for S.o.t.W. !!!
i dont think i have any pixel fonts… i need to get some i guess…
as for transitions yah they all will be worked on… not to happy on the total with them… but its basically a start…and as for the main buttons i likes theidea of exploration…i dunno i tried something else like i wanted the effect of whom whats that they look like buttons… oo they are… but i do understand that thats against much of what u are taught… but thanks overall im happy where it is and will be improving it based on ur thoughts thanks…maybe ill apply once u guys think the font issues are improved…that seems like the easier to fix
not a bad site - one suggestion though - make it a bit smaller. if you’re still a 1024 p30n like me, you get the horrible IE scroll bars. I know a lot of designers like to have high resolution desktops, but it’s probably worth making it smaller - some people do still use 800x600 remember.
Pretty cool actually. It wasn’t an immediate alt + f4 for me. I can see you paid attention to detail which is something I enjoy greatly. Besides the typo looking a bit odd in spots, I would say pretty cool. Keep jammin with the Flash, looking forward to more.
nice site mate, very intresting, though those blinking objects are really annoying, my eye always goes to them because it seems like they are blinking as because of some importance… My opinion make them blink not so often and irregularly. or make them static or get rid of them , it reminds me of a cheap advertisment banner saying BUY THIS BUY THIS!!!. Remember less is more.
if anyone cares… i put this site up for sotw… its improved in content greatly since my last post… mostly in explorational and secret things… have fun… click the dots and left panels arent always just images;) explore everything