First pixel art, and boy is it fun to make!

to get the grid go to
and to edit it go to
–Edit->Preferences->Guides,Grid & Slices

How did you draw the lines ryall???
just with a pencil tool? If I use the line tool the lines will come antialiased and ugly and… etc…

I just use the pencil tool. Heres a good tip though, have two seperate layers each with one line (on each a different diagonal direction)… then you can copy and past these so if you need a long line you dont have to keep redrawing it - but yeah no use of the line tool here - also the magic wand tool set with a tolerance of 1 is a very helpful tool. Good luck guys - cant wait to see what you come up with!!


oh man I wish I could come up with something!
…maybe I could if I could make the grid in flash 1pixel! There I can just drag lines… but oh well… maybe I’ll try it out when I have absolutely nothing to do!

ohhhh, I just had an idea for the building I want to make after my hospital - a GREEN HOUSE!! I think that would be pretty challenging… hmmm gotta finish my hospital first though!


Hmmm pixel art battle maybe… I might have to post in the battle seciton - I’ll have to think about it.

you can get the grid to be just one pixel, do the grid dimantions at like 10 with 10 sub divisions… although it will only be truly 1 pixel divisions when you get in really close… either way, I hardly ever use the grid, just eyeball it, zoom out, check it, zoom in, try something else, then recheck - repeat :slight_smile:


I’ll make a candy store apartment and post it when I’m done, even though I’m sure it will suck ass!

sweet! - we should get some people together and do a collab and make Kirupaville! =)


we could all have it, and it could be like 10 stories high!:stuck_out_tongue:

i am trying to make simple buildings, but the angles are hard to get! i think that is the hardest part.

man i have fooled around with this for so long :frowning: , i just cant get the perspective! how did you do it? i am really bumming me self out :frowning: .

You tried doing this in less than an hour. :-\

no i was at it since the first post, i just didnt say anything.

just keep playing with it… copy and paste mine and zoom in to see stuff that may help you - you’ll get it! Keep working at it!


ryall, you finish the hospital yet? i cant wait to see it.

i didnt feel like uploading htis image so attatched is the start of my drive in movie theater…

ryall, did you ever finish the hospital? if so can we see it?

no I havent had time yet… right where I left off I got a buch of work sent my way - I like the money, but I was a little dissapointed - I had been looking fprward to having some freetime for once!!


I looked at the version I posted and realized I have made a few changes… Here is where I am currently at… haven’t worked on it in a while though…


I love how the hospital has come on! Good job! :beam:

Those two buildings go really well together, ya gonna make a whole city? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

actually I plan on really doing an entire city… it will take a long time as I dont have much time to devote to anything other then work… but slowly as I make more buildings I’ll add them together and add streets and little details
