First pixel art, and boy is it fun to make!

Very nice Ryall :slight_smile:

OH MY GOD! You’re the master of pixelart! man I was staring at it a couple of minutes man!
I can’t get my eyes off it!

thanks guys! :stuck_out_tongue:



I am going to be super-critical here, so smack me around if I touch a nerve…


I think the flag is too long… I love the wave, excellent job on everything else. The flower boxes are fab!

Keep it up!


no nerves hit here Rev… so you think it should be the same height, but shorter in length? or just all together smaller??

I appreciate the crit!


after reading your post and now having gone back and looked at it… I totally agree, WAY TOO LONG… if it was stretched out flat it would look really silly, gotta fix that - thanks again


wow…that looks really good… i didnt stare at it for as long as i wanted cause i have been playing CS since 12:00 to 8:00 with out stoping so i kinda got a headach but other wise it looks good. i am going to go lay down now…:sleep:

Hey guys what’s the resolution you use for pixel art? Do you use 72 pxi?


yup… 72

… although it doesnt really matter, but anything higher would just be making more work for yourself (and it would loose that “pixelated” look).


you can only see 72 dpi on a screen anyway… anything higher is for print (usually 300dpi)

if im not mistaken…