First real attempt at digital painting

I’ve never really tried digital painting before, but this is my first experiment in it.
I’d love to here comments and critiques if you have any.
I’ve yet to put a background in it, but it’s probably be gonna be like an alley way or something.
Anywho, here she be

Hmmm you diffinitly have a different style.

Might wanna work on that arm tho. It’s alittle awkward.

he looks kinda wierd i am not sure if that was the style you were going for but, other wise he looks prety good !!

nice first painting

–>he has really big feet<-- lol


Yeah the feet suck and the arm is a tad screwy.
He’s lanky on purpose, I like tall lanky people.

Thanks for the comments =)

it looks cool, stylish in a sense. Definitely original :slight_smile:

Am I missing something or does he not have any eyes?

Nice though, escpecially for a first attempt. Did you use a wacom or a mouse?

Eyes are hidden by the hair, haha, yeaaaah… really starting to doubt how good a drawing this is, but oh well, the next one will be better.

And it was all done with a wacom and photoshop.