Ok, this thingy kinda sucks… but its the first thing i actually saved that i made with my wacom… i know its all like hey, i suck… but i tried… go easy
im sure ill get better… hopefully
Ok, this thingy kinda sucks… but its the first thing i actually saved that i made with my wacom… i know its all like hey, i suck… but i tried… go easy
im sure ill get better… hopefully
Actually it is not bad. your lines seems steady that it is a good point. It is almost abstract art. You are doing better than I am. I am a pretty good sketch artist but for some reason I have not mastered the wacom and painter. Keep it up man!
yeah, i don’t think it’s that bad either. Kinda has a Picasso look
about it, and look what that did for him!
very cool! But it looks kinda skewed! But nice work!
I like the hair, but not the face
hey guys, thanks… i know the face is all like slanted to the right… which looks really dumb… but it is my first try.
right now im workin on something much much better.
thanks for the comments tho
New thing i made, It’s alright, I’m just working on shading right now. I think I’m gonna do some work with this character in the future. It’s name is Mathon. I think I’m gettin a little better… i hope.
Josh that is wicked good! (2nd one)
3d i am the same way! cant get a hang of my Wacom
Score, someone knows my name!
(which im sure has nothing to do with my signature/autograph thinger)
Thanks so much for your kind words mdipi. If you think that is good just wait a couple months… I have a feeling I’m gonna get good at this. Just workin on the fundamentals right now.
lol i can put a pen to paper but not a pen to tablet. but its coming SLOWLY!
Yeah… I’m havin a hell-a-hard time doin this. Makin clean lines is like impossible. I want to start usin painter, but I don’t like the interface and stuff, so right now I’m usin Photoshop. That was completely irrelevant to everything, but I thought I would just add that.
so mr. dippy, are you good at 3d?
3d i am the same way! cant get a hang of my Wacom
Not really sure what you meant by that, if you mean you are good at 3d I wanna see some of your work.
thats awsome, you should keep workin on it ane you will be great
lol i am having a hard time in 3d but i was reffering to 3d-iva the member, he had the 2nd post in this thread i think. lol.
Hey you may want to look at the way you are olding ou wacom or the positioning of your body. I noticed your drawings are leaning to the right. I thought the first on was an accident. My art instructor taught me about positioning it is very important. But the seconf one seems to have more control in the strokes. Hey mdipi I think it is the fact that I am looking at the screen while I am drawing and I am used to looking down at the paper. If I had that super sweet wacom with the screen on it I bet that would solve it all…Lets put together a help fund so I can get one. U.K.N.W fund
United Kirupians for Nathans Wacom fund.
lol. all mine lean to the right cause i am lefthanded so i tend to tilt the wacom by accident… but i am the same way as you
the “New thing” is cool… its now my desktop pic at work :beam:
*Originally posted by senocular *
**the “New thing” is cool… its now my desktop pic at work :beam: **
are you serious? That’s awesome… :beam:
3d-iva: lol, yeah, everything i do is leaning to the right. It’s not entirely on accident, I could change it, I’m just kinda lazy. The next one will lean to the left:P
Now with color!
I’m gettin better at this sorta…
what’s WACOM???
Wacom is a drawing tablet that you connect to your computer.
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