Hey guys. I’ve been poking around here for some time now and trying hard to learn flash so I can get more into that aspect of Web Design. Based on what I could figure out by messing around in the program, and mostly what I’ve learned from various tutorials and threads on here, I’ve created my first version of the site I’m trying to make in all flash. I’m already working on version 2.0 because I dont particularly like my text transistions from each page, and my external swf preloaders are within each external swf therefore theres that annoying pause when you click the buttons. But I have not started advertising it just yet so its all good to wait on it til I have 2.0 up. Let me know your other thoughts and ideas, and although I dont need to say it, please be honest, if even brutally, I’d like to know what areas I’m really weak in, and what areas I’m getting pretty good at. Also, I’m learning Photoshop 7 now and starting to get decent at that, so expect my next version to be better looking visually. Thanks in advance for any responses I get!
PS. dont mind the splash page, its just a stupid setup I am using at the moment so I can get my page to load in its own browser without resize options. I will definately be changing it =P
“To error is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer”