I’m having a nightmare here!!
i’ve been working on a site (i’m struggling enough with that alone!) but earlier today i had an error whilst saving and somehow this has resulted in my original .fla being deleted (no back up)…aaargh
i have now managed to recreate the .FLA by using a .fla to .swf decompiler but when i try and open it in MX 2004 Pro i recieve “unexpected file format” and it won’t open, however i can open the recovered file in MX2004…so not is all lost, but its not ideal.
Is there anyway i can save it from 2004 so i can open it in 2004 Pro? or is there a fundamental difference between the two file types? ( i find this strange if true since they are both part of the 2004 range? plus surely 2004 pro is backwards compatible to 2004? most software apps are?)
sorry if this has been asked many times before i’m just at my wits end and trying to understand a little better…i’m quite new to flash!