Flash 6 vs flash 8


I’m stuck trying to incorporate this little menu i found on flashkit. Problem is it’s written in Flash 6 and i need it running in Flash 8.

I’ve been tryin to figure out whet the problem is, i can see that the value of this equasion:

Xspeed = ((_x-newX)/_root.velocita+Xspeed)/_root.frenata;

comes out as NaN in Flash 8.

I cant fix it myself, i would greatly appreciate any help. I’m uploading the fla i donwloaded of flashkit aswell.

Thanks in advance.

it means the answer is not a number, check that all the variables are correct, ie they are numbers

Thanks random,

I know what NaN stands for, i just cant figure out why thats the result (Flash 8 only mind You, works fine in Flash 6)

Anyway, after initializing Xspeed with 0 thats the trace i get from this variable after that assign. All variables involved are numbers. Heres a trace:

Xspeed :0
newX :184.5
_root.velocita :1.6
_root.frenata :2
_x :184.5

I’m lost :confused:

ok I DL the file resaved it as flash 8 file and it works no errors…

you are using flash 8, in the export settings etc?

though you shouldn’t put items and code on same level

Thats strange. For my resaving as Flash 8 screws up the whole thing. And aye, i’m changing the export settings to Player 8.

That shouldn’t be the case.

I guess reinstall flash./ Download latest flash player and shockwave players.

reference: My file goes from 80kbs to 84kbs due to the transfer.

In that case, something is definately wrong. My file gets up to 96 kB.
Anyway, i’ve given up on this menu. Im making my own, where i understend wht’s goin on :slight_smile:

Thanks a million randomagain. Appreciate Your help.

BTW, would You know of an easy method to limit mouse movements to only 1 axis?

Heres the flash 8 version I rendered out. Could just be the transfer which mucks it up.

Might be something faulty with flash File Exention Management shrugs

you would probably have to disable the mouse icon,

but monitor its movements

and place a mouse icon of you own on screen than only followed Y or X movement of the real mouse