[Flash 8] OOP & how to do this?

So I’m trying to make an imageviewer in flash, using the concept of OOP. Inside one of my classes I’m using an MovieClipLoader to load an image. When the loading starts, I want to use my classvariable “preload” to show a preloader (which is another class of mine). However, when I try to use the this-keyword to call my preload-variable inside the onLoadStart, it will refer to the listener, not to the class (in this case TestClass).

It’s possible to use a _global to define my preload variable, but I try to avoid using _globals. Because I also use the onLoadProgress and the onLoadInit listeners it would mean that everything in my class would have to be a _global to be able to use them. Is there another way of referring to my preload variable?

Here’s a sample code of what I mean:

class TestClass {
 var mc_holder:MovieClip;
 var testvariable:Number;
 var preload:Preloader;
 var loadImageListener:Object;
 var movieClipLoader:MovieClipLoader;
 function TestClass(mc_holder:MovieClip){
  this.mc_holder = mc_holder
  this.preload = new Preloader();
  this.loadImageListener = new Object();
  this.movieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); 
 function loadFunction():Void{
  movieClipLoader.loadClip("image.jpg", this.mc_holder);
  loadImageListener.onLoadStart = function():Void{
   this.preload.startloading(); //--> UNDEFINED

I really hope someone can help me out with this one.
Thanks in advance!