Flash 8 player & safari (mac)


i’ve been making a new website for a photographer.

the site works perfect in flash 8, on browsers on pc and in firefox on my mac.

however in safari the whole site acts weird. for example there are images and variables that do not load.

it’s getting me nuts, i do not know what the problem is. it only doesnt work in safari.


are there any people with the same problem?


Lucky for you I DO know what the problem is. It isnt’ Windows or Mac or Linnux, or Unix or the toothfairy. It is much simpler than that. Not everyone has the latest version of Flash: Flash 8. So the earlier players still play flash movies, but not well

So you need a detection script. This will make sure that the viewer has the latest version of flash before playing the movie. If not, it will switch to another code of HTML. That code could have an image or text or even another lower grade FLA from an older version of flash.

This will help you: http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/flash/articles/fp8_detection.html.

i do have flash 8 installed and there is a detection script integrated. so that could impossible be the problem.

so why is it working in firefox then?

Looks OK in my Safari.

it works ok im my Safari(2.0). Nut i closed it as soon as it tried to take over my computer.:slight_smile: