hello all,
i’ve come unstuck recently trying to use amfphp with flash 8.
Basically a coder i work with used flash 8 and amfphp to build a dynamic flash module. All his traces work fine and all good.
I want to work on it and went to adobe.com and installed the “Macromedia Flash Remoting Components for Flash 8 ActionScript 2.0”.
before i installed i got a runtime error for the mx. classpaths - no surprise.
But now it’s installed i get an error saying the flash can’t find the gateway url
Error opening URL "http://newemcosite.hostingfriends.co.uk/assets/amfphp/gateway.php"
i knwo the gateway is working fine as all of our apple macs return the recordsets. I have tried this on 2 pcs both with the remoting components installed.
deos anybody know what’s going on? i would really appreciate any help.
the as code snippet is:
//_root.myId = 1;
//id_name.text = myName
import mx.remoting.Service;
import mx.remoting.PendingCall;
import mx.rpc.RelayResponder;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;
//NetDebug initialize();
var myResponder:RelayResponder= new RelayResponder(this,"success", "failure");
var project:Service = new Service("http://newemcosite.hostingfriends.co.uk/assets/amfphp/gateway.php", null, "Project", null, myResponder);
var serviceCall:PendingCall = project.getHomepageProject();
// An array to store the returned service call (returns 4 arrays containing recordsets)
var myData = new Array;
// setup news and press arrays to loop through the returend recordsets
var newsLinks = new Array;
var pressLinks = new Array;
function success(re){}