[FLASH 8 Urgent!] Slideshow, XML file, and external AS files

Here is what I am working with…(view attachment)…I have 3 banners that are only rotating when you hit the left or right arrow keys, however I want to add a timer so after 10 seconds it rotates to the next image in the xml file. I also want to make it so that when I rollover a button, it will stop the timer and reset it to 0, once I rollout from the button, it starts the timer. I would also like to make it so that if on the last image and you click to view the next image in line, that it rotates to the first image, same thing for if you are on the first image and you click to view the previous image, it rotates to the last image in the XML file. How would I do this? The last thing I need to do is set it so that when banner1.jpg is loaded that 01.as is loaded which will contain the links that the three buttons “Learn More,” “View Tutorial,” and “Buy Now” go to the correct links for banner1.jpg, same thing for banner2.jpg that it will load 02.as, same thing for banner3.jpg, ect…ect…I have not yet cut out the buttons…

I was following the tutorial: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/xml_flash_photogallery.htm

Any and all help would be appreciated. I’m a beginner at Actionscript, if you want to add me on MSN messenger, it is: scionstatic@gmail.com
