Hey again everyone,
I’ve been working on my first full flash website and am excited at my progress, but I’ve hit another problem. I downloaded the .fla for a xml slideshow. It had the script to resize each picture’s border and to load pictures using an xml file when the ‘next’ or ‘previous’ button was pressed. I don’t want the buttons on it, I just want the images in the folder to load automatically after so many seconds. I have been able to load the swf into my main website file without the buttons (right now just the first image shows up) But I just wondered what script I could use that would load the next image from the xml details after 3 seconds or whatever and to loop back to the first image when they have all been played. I’ve looked around for the answer, and I’ve found some info on setInterval and getTimer but the truth is that I don’t understand them well enough to modify them so they will do what I need. If anyone can help me out with the code for this I would appreciate it. If anyone needs to see my code just let me know and I’ll post it.
Thanks for the help!!