Flash and Frames problem

I created an expanding menu that has a ton of subdirectories for my friend’s company… However, he uses store.yahoo.com as his server and I am not quite familiar with the way that his server works… I am used to having a frames page that opens only the targeted frame when specified… His server works different and loads all the pages (instead of just the targeted frame page) each time you click on a link… To explain it better, it completely reloads the top frame, left, right, and bottom when you click on a button in the left frame… Normally, it would just load the new page in the center… So, because of that, the menu I have created starts over every time it loads and doesn’t stay open… The only way for the menu to be usable would be if it stayed open and didn’t restart itself everytime… Please help, I need to know if there is a script that would allow the menu to reload on the same frame as it was last on. That way, when it reloads the menu, it will be open to the right sub-directory and the users don’t have to manually open it a million times. Please reply asap… Thanks so much

Ok…i’m so ****ed up…i don’t get it… you want a menu in one frame and when you click on a menu item…the menu to stay and the rest to load?

yes, have a flash menu on the left hand side and the target pages will load separately in the right. They are in two different frames on the html site.