Flash and Illustrator

Is it true that Flash can only import and export Adobe Illustrator files in version 8.0 format or earlier??? I’ve got Illustrator 10 and i’m using it to blur some text then trying to import it into flash mx…

everytime i try and import, flash throws up an erroe message.

does anyone know how to get round this??

Try exporting your Ai files as SWF’s.

some semi related issues

also, one problem of ‘cut-n-paste’ method is flash most of the time screws up the amount of points.

Also for photoshop images, save as png’s for transparent backgrounds.

hope this is ok?..

try saving it as an Illustrator 8 file?
I know Fireworks can only import 8 and under…

I’ve found that the best way is to export as a swf, since it does tend to throw up errors when cutting and pasting.