Flash and PHP

Hi. I tried to load variables from PHP into FLASH. But succses? No.
This is my code follow by some easy questions :slight_smile:
var loadVar = new LoadVars ();

submit.onPress = function ()
loadVar.user = userinput.text;
loadVar.pass = passinput.text;
loadVar.send (“newlogin.php”,0,“POST”);
loadVar.load (“newlogin.php”);
loadVar.onLoad = function ()
TB.text = loadVar.loggedIn;

user- and passinput are two textboxes, same with TB.

Here are my questions:

When i press the submit button i get redirected to the php file, newlogin.php.
This makes me unable to check if im loggedIn or not. Any tips? How do i use sendAndLoad ? It wont work for me!