.:flash animation help:

Hey guys,

just went to a site and the animation just baffles me.
please do check out http://www.spacefx.co.uk.
and when u navigate through the tabs on the left, you notice that the background pictures glow. More specifically, i think the levels were tweaked in photoshop.
it just kills me that i have no idea how it’s done. somebody enlighten me.
many thanks.


I don’t see anything that’s all that unusual, it’s gorgious, yes, but it looks like a bunch of external bevels and simple tweens, not to mention some spectacular stock photography. Most of the effects you could create using fireworks or photoshop, pick your poison.

What I want to know, is how these guys made their site…


Now that’s some slick flash.


nono, i see your flow about the external bevel and tweens. the bevels put me off a wee bit actually. haha.
but what im refering to is the tween which they used when u navigate through the pages.
as u click on the links on the left, the background image of the main “frame” flashes white. kinda like glowing as i mentioned.
do you know how to do that effect?
thanks a plenty.
