hello everyone !
I need some help…! i need the flash animated thing in a very short time. i have to present it in university. i am not very experienced In Flashing, so plz help me as soon as possible …!
requirement: a flash animation of 5 to 8 mins.
purpose: to give a farewell to a graduating batch from out university…
editable: flash animati0on should be editable so that we could edit the sounds and the smal chunks of it …
it is needed in a gud time [@ ur earliest…]
it should be funny but decent at the same time …
a reall funny sorta thing will really do…
this can be any thing regarding the student teacher relationship…
the funny things ,that happen in the class while teacher delivering the lecture …
or this can be a reall HOT THING i_e student peering a girl and then getting full treatment from her boy friend…
or it can be any thing that can entertain the viewers…
or that can make the m nostalGIK about their past…4 years of graduation…
University Name is: GIKI <name should included in animation>
plzz i need it very soon …