Sorry, but i was too quick to post and did not realize there was a Job offering section. anyways here is a cross post:
So i have a flash assignment due for one of my first year courses.
I need to submit a flash assignment which is 1-2 minute long.
It requires VERY little work as the course only expects us to know how to use flash (screen transition, text popping up, picture moving, narrating while the animation is playing).
I have seen previous submissions and they are honestly very very amatuer.
I will need around 20 scences in total(5-10 seconds per scene.scences can contain pictures from google images as long as it relates to my story…1 person actually used all the images from clipart from microsoft office).
Basically i will give you a story (example: my day at school, day at the mall) and all i need you to do is put the images into flash and do the transition with a little animation (such as pictures moving, zooming in and out, text popping up).
If anyone is interested please let me know, it is due by november 24th.