Flash buttons not working properly on website, but on local work fine

I am building a website that is all in flash.
In the first frame there are 6 buttons. Each button has a code to go to a different place in the timeline, where something happens. For example, one of the buttons has this code:
on (release) {

Another button has this code:
on (release) {
And so on.
Everything happens on the same timeline.

When I publish the movie to test it (ctrl+enter), everything works great.

The problem happens when I upload the file to my ftp and try to view it online. In that case, when pressing one of the buttons, instead of jumping to the place in the timeline where it should go, it just continues on to the next frame on the timeline. So for example if I press the “web” button, instead of going to the label “web” it just continues on to frame 2 in the timeline, and then 3,4,5 and so on until there is a stop(); in the actionscript.

After the first press though, it goes back to working fine. Meaning, the second time I press the “web” button, it will go to the “web” label, and from the second click onwards everything works great. it’s just the first click on ALL the buttons that doesn’t work, although it does work locally…

Did this ever happen to any of you? Did you find a solution? Any suggestions are welcome!
