Flash Coloring

Just curiouse… why is it that when i draw…lets say… a circle i can’t color it on? i have to goto the new layer and color it in manually… but i wanna be able to use the bucket tool and stuff…

any ideas?


Don’t understand what u mean.



If the area you are trying to use the paint bucket tool on is not close in, the paint bucket tool will not work.

So if there is even the tiniest gap between lines, it won’t work, but if all the lines meet and create an enclosed area, you can fill that area with the bucket tool.

why dont you just pick the color and line color before you draw? Thats what i do.

He was using circle as an example I believe.

If you are drawing something with the pen/pencil tool and the area isn’t closed, you can’t color it.

there is always the “close gaps” feature…



May I ask what that is Rev? I don’t draw much in Flash, when I do I manipulat the circle or rectangle shapes done with those tools.

Where can I find the Close Gaps tool?

Of course lostinbeta, anything for you! :nerd:

[edit] in Flash MX, with the paint bucket tool selected[/edit]


reverendflash, how did you get that avitar? what is it? is it you? Camille?

Camille is a Pleasure GELF (genetically engineered life form) which in reality is a big green blob…

the extremely gorgeous, and intelligent head in my avitar is Holly, after his head-sex change operation…

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Long live the Crimson Short One


head-sex change operation…

no wonder its so ■■■■ ugly.

Holly would be insulted…

I’m not, but Holly would be. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the close gaps tip rev:)

No worries Lostinbeta:

BTW - did you know that if you import an image (any image) hit CRTL B to break it apart, then use the eyedropper tool to select the entire image as your fill? The image just tiles as in HTML…


Nope, I did not know that… thanks for that tip as well :slight_smile:

No prob…

makes it easy to make backgrounds match…



there are no gaps what soever but i still can’t use the tool…