i just made a flash component form using a tutorial from kirupa. i finsihed it, and i noticed that it doesnt tell you how to make it send the info from the form to your email account.
i was wondering if ne 1 knows how to make the info get sent to ur email at the click of a submit radio button…
In order for it to send info to your mail, you’ll need a PHP script placed on your server to handle the variables and send it to your mail.
Take a look at this thread, H88 posted a PHP script that does just that. Also make sure you have PHP enabled on your host’s server or else it won’t work.
do u know if geocities has php script?
casue i dont really understand any of the term you are talking about. the only type of design i am familiar with is flash, so could u write back with simpilar instructions for me to understand?
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