I have a Dynamic Text Box and two buttons that function as an up and down button. When it comes to actually scrolling the information, these work great! However, it scrolls them waaaay too fast for my clients liking. Below is the code that I have for my buttons
Up Button:
on (rollOver) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
Scroll_text.scroll = Scroll_text.scroll-1;
on (rollOut) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Down Button:**
on (rollOver) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
Scroll_text.scroll = Scroll_text.scroll+1;
on (rollOut) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
I was hoping there is a way that this can be done, using the code I am already using. I am pulling text in from a text file… using loadVars so hopefully I don’t have to change much.
Someone on Actionscript.org forums told me to put all of the text I need to scroll inside of a movie clip and do it that way… since I can have it scroll by pixels… or something like that.
That sounds like it is out of my league though, lol. Any suggestions?
One thing to keep in mind, I have the fps set to 16. I want to keep it there, since it is the perfect fps to allow my movie’s animations to look fluid.
I didn’t attach the entire move since it would be way to large. I just created a new one with the scrolling function.
Hmm, looks like the only fix for you would be to use a scrollbar. Here is you scrolling text with a scrollbar…I only attached the fla, and not the rest of the files. You’ll have to do that.