[flash cs3 AS2] arg nooby need help making a check

hiya im making a music player with flash and its just getting songs at random from a php script which is outputing all the song files in xml format it works except it plays the same song twice sometimes im not sure how to write a check to say if last song played = current song then pick a new song

any help would be appreciated cheers

i have a link going to my test page which is http://www.aaron-m.co.nz/new/ and the .fla file link is http://www.aaron-m.co.nz/new/index.fla

i have the actionscript in 2 frames,
heres the script from the first

mymusic = new XML();
mymusic.ignoreWhite = true;
mymusic.onLoad = function(success) {
songnumber = this.firstChild.childNodes.length - 1;

var mymusics = mymusic.firstChild.childNodes;
var count1 = music_frame = Math.ceil(Math.random()*songnumber);
numb3r.text = count1
var songs = mymusics[count1].firstChild.nodeValue;
names.text = songs;

here is the second frame

var mysound:Sound = new Sound();
var song1 = names.text
mysound.loadSound(song1, true); 
    test.text = song1;
mysound.onSoundComplete = function(){_root.gotoAndPlay(1)};

i have a basic button which is just for testing purposes its


and the php script which is outputting the music files in the directory

header('content-type: text/xml');
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
$dir = ".";
$files = scandir($dir);

printf( "<music>");
foreach($files as $key => $value){
        printf( "<song>".$value."</song>

printf( "</music>");