Hi there - hopefully this is an easy one… Not for me apparently!
Basically I have two SWF files (SWF1, SWF2) that work fine individually. What I want to do is create a new SWF that is empty but calls in SWF1 first, plays it and then stops at it’s last frame. Then it needs to call SWF2 which will play until it too stops - and thats it!
At the moment I can load each SWF but both play simultaeneously - so my issue is that I don’t know what I’m doing with the AS3 basically (I’m a novice) - I have been trying to get this code to work but it may be in the wrong frames or just generally be wrong:
var ld:Loader = new Loader()
ld.load(new URLRequest("my_swf1.swf"))
SWF1 will then stop on the last frame…
SWF2 now needs to load over the top of SWF1 so the last frame can’t be seen anymore and the next SWF plays until it comes to a stop on it’s last frame.
var ld2:Loader = new Loader()
ld2.load(new URLRequest("ss10_extended_draft1.swf"))
Both the existing SWF files are set to stop at the end of their play runs at the moment so really all I’m looking for is to have a seperate SWF that just plays them in turn and then stops! Any help greatly appreciated - thanks in advance!