Flash Cube to AS?

I’ve created a movie clip of a 100px square in Flash and through 8 frames rotated it 1/4 turn on its vertical axis. (The “cube” was drawn with the rectangle tool then distorted. It has a white fill in the boxes.) I’d like to recreate this in ActionScript.

After reading through senocular’s “Scriping 3D in Flash,” especially the “Faces and Depths,” section I’ve discovered that it’s WAY TOO MUCH figurin’ for my pea brain. My D in algebra seems to have trumped my B in geometry at last.

Actually, what senocular is doing in the “Faces and Depths” section is more than I want. All I need is a quarter turn to the left, not the pitch and yaw stuff.

Can anyone distill down the pertinent code or at least give me a vector? :slight_smile: